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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Neil Young and Crazy Horse - Live @ Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival, USA, 13-06-2003

NOTE: Despite the revolving jam sessions, this was a crowd with a long attention span, and the festival's best stretches were when bands just held their own for long chunks of time. 
Neil Young, on Friday, performed with his three-decade-old band, Crazy Horse, under a custardy full moon. 
For 3 hours he played expanded versions, some of them 29 minutes long, of his best songs "Love to Burn," "Cortez the Killer," "Cinnamon Girl" and others. 
He was the only soloist, breaking to solo at length several times per song.
Playing in his ragged, stuttering phrases, he made strings of notes crumble into noise, then recohere toward graceful endings. (The festival's excellent concert sound made his guitar tone feel a mile thick.) 
It was extraordinary, the ideal of a gnarled yet sophisticated technique." (from New York Times)

Source: Soundboard
Sound Quality: 10/10

1.     Love to Burn
2.     Sedan Delivery
3.     Powderfinger
4.     Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)
5.     Cortez the Killer
6.     Fuckin' Up
7.     Like a Hurricane (Neil Young cover)
8.     Be the Rain
9.     Cinnamon Girl
10.  Rockin' in the Free World (Neil Young cover)
11.  Roll Another Number (For the Road) (Neil Young cover)
12.  Down By The River

Buy the Music:

Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise. 
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!

192kbps mp3


  1. re-up por favor? gracias!

  2. You can find the full DVD concert of this on youtube, an amazing 2 hrs and 20 mins.
