INFO - February 15, 2025

Update on Exclusive List: more 70 new exclusive bootlegs, including 2024 concerts.
Now more than 3900 concerts available (with direct download).
If you want to see the exclusive bootlegs lists before donating, please send me an email.
More Info Here

Cheers, Live Bootlegs.


Blog Downloads: Free Acess
With Torrent Seeds: When i'm online or other users share.

Live Bootlegs Blog --- 6600 Bootlegs
Heavy Soundboard Blog --- 2200 Bootlegs

Blog Downloads: With Donation (More Info Here)
With Direct Download: 24h available.

Exclusive List --- 3900 Bootlegs
Live Bootlegs Blog --- 6600 Bootlegs
Heavy Soundboard Blog --- 2200 Bootlegs

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

10 Years

Yes, believe it or not, the Live Bootlegs blog is celebrating it's 10th anniversary! 
I am grateful to all of you who have written in, responded to posts, had requests or just wanted to say hi and thanks. 
I also want to give a big shout out and expression of eternal gratitude to those readers who made donations. They make me keep this blog alive.
And maintaining a blog like Live Bootlegs takes a lot of time and energy.
Lots and lots of bootlegs blogs (some really great ones) have come and gone in the past ten years and I hope Live Bootlegs will be around for another 10 years.

Live Bootlegs


  1. happy birthday! thank you for all the amazing live music you have gifted! x

  2. Happy 10th Anniversary, from Live Bootlegs.

    Thanks for sharing, and efforts.

  3. Happy Bootleg Birthday/ Anniversary...glad I donated...I have had lots of shows over last years. With love from U.K

  4. that's great! congrats!
    and thanks for the music :)

  5. Congrants! And thanks for the amazing job, love this blog. ❤️🤟👏

  6. Happy birthday! :D And thank you very much for all the good work!

  7. All the best for your blog of music sharing. Much appreciated.
    Keep on rocking !

  8. Very very happy birthday my friend ! I enjoy everyday seeing your posts on my rss feed, it's like every day has good news to offer, so thank you once again for that amazing job !

  9. Yahoo. I only knew about this blog for around 2 years.

  10. Congrats - thanks so much for all you for all of us.

  11. A big congrats!!! Thanks for the work you put in here

  12. Congrats man ! and thank you for all the hard work

  13. Thank you for all your hard work and Happy 10 years :)

  14. You have been a saviour during the last year or so when I stumbled on your site, incredible work! Here's to the next ten years and a return to live shows
