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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Cocteau Twins - Live @ Beacon Theatre, New York, USA, 13-11-1990

Concert divided into separate tracks by Live Bootlegs Blog.
Source: Soundboard
Sound Quality: 6/10
1.     (Intro @Tape - Dials)
2.     Blue Bell Knoll
3.     From the Flagstones
4.     My Love Paramour
5.     Cico Buff
6.     Pitch the Baby
7.     Crushed
8.     Iceblink  Luck
9.     Orange Appled
10.  Wolf in the Breast
11.  Mizake the Mizan
12.  Aikea Guinea
13.  Cherry Coloured Funk
14.  Road, River, and Rail
15.  A Kissed Out Red Floatboat
16.  Pink Orange Red
17.  Whales Tales
18.  Heaven or Las Vegas
Buy the Music:
Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!
320kbps mp3
Cocteau Twins - Live @ Beacon Theatre, New York, USA, 13-11-1990


  1. This hardly a soundboard or a 10/10. More like a 6/10.

  2. Dude... or dudette... above who commented. How about first - THANK YOU ?

    Second, I disagree with you. This may not be a soundboard, but it's well above 6/10.

    Either way, how about stopping by with some politeness and respect please. THe person who runs this blog shares all of this great music out of the kindness of his or her heart. It's appropriate to be gratful and kind in all the replies.

    Have a great day.
