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Monday, September 28, 2020

The Magnificent Seven - Live @ 9:30 Club, Washington, USA, 29-05-1997

NOTE: The tour is called "The Magnificent Seven vs. the United States". The traveling package offered a chance for seven alterna-rockers to take a vacation from their normal careers. R.E.M.'s Peter Buck, Screaming Trees' Barrett Martin, Luna's Justin Harwood, the Young Fresh Fellows' Scott McCaughey and three friends performed in three configurations: a jazz-rock instrumental combo called Tuatara, a chamber-rock group called Mark Eitzel's "West" Band and a satirical rock revue called the Minus 5.
The evening began with Tuatara, an instrumental sextet featuring Buck, Martin, Harwood, McCaughey, Mike Stone and Sherik. The set was like a game of musical chairs, because every time the music stopped, everyone walked around the stage to a different instrument; Martin alone was featured on marimbas, timbales, drums, acoustic bass, vibes and steel drums. Unfortunately, the band's music was neither inventive enough to thrive as jazz nor melodic enough to thrive as pop. The Minus 5 are McCaughey's project, and the lion-maned singer-songwriter, in orange sunglasses and a black bowling shirt, led his six colleagues through pop-rock parodies from the album "The Lonesome Death of Buck McCoy. (from Washington Post)
Not the complete show.
Concert divided into separate tracks by Live Bootlegs Blog.

Source: Soundboard
Sound Quality: 10/10

1.     (unknown song)
2.     (unknown song)
3.     (unknown song)
4.     (unknown song)
5.     (unknown song)
6.     (unknown song)

Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!

320kbps mp3

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