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Sunday, August 2, 2020

Nirvana - Live @ Estadio José Amalfitani, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 30-10-1992

NOTE: On October 30th, 1992, Nirvana played their first (and only show) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Taking place at Estadio José Amalfitani, the performance proved infamous for several reasons: Coming on the heels of "Nevermind", the 50,000-capacity stadium made for one of the band’s biggest shows to date. But after opening act Calamity Jane received a less than positive reception, Kurt Cobain threatened to cancel the gig outright.
Ultimately, Nirvana did take the stage and openly mocked the audience by playing mostly rarities and the backend of Nevermind. What’s more, Cobain preceded several songs with the opening chords to “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, but never actually performed the entire song, to tease the disrespectful, male-dominated crowd..
For the first verse of "Come As You Are," Kurt just said "hey" over and over instead of singing the words.
During "Polly," Dave played a toy drum kit. After "Polly," a fairly long, bass-driven jam was played.
Re-uploaded with better quality sound.
Concert divided into separate tracks by Live Bootlegs Blog.

Source: Soundboard
Sound Quality: 9/10

1.     (unknown song) a.k.a (Nobody Knows I'm New Wave)
2.     Aneurysm
3.     Breed (with Smells Like Teen Spirit intro)
4.     Drain You (with Smells Like Teen Spirit intro)
5.     Beeswax
6.     Spank Thru
7.     School
8.     Come As You Are
9.     Lithium
10.  Lounge Act
11.  Sliver
12.  About A Girl
13.  Polly
14.  (jam)
15.  (banter)
16.  In Bloom
17.  Territorial Pissings
18.  (jam)
19.  Been A Son
20.  On A Plain
21.  Negative Creep
22.  Blew
23.  (banter)
24.  All Apologies
25.  Endless, Nameless

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If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!

320kbps mp3