INFO - March 15, 2025

Update on Exclusive List: more 80 new exclusive bootlegs, including 2024 concerts.
Now more than 4100 concerts available (with direct download).
If you want to see the exclusive bootlegs lists before donating, please send me an email.
More Info Here

Cheers, Live Bootlegs.


Blog Downloads: Free Acess
With Torrent Seeds: When i'm online or other users share.

Live Bootlegs Blog --- 6600 Bootlegs
Heavy Soundboard Blog --- 2200 Bootlegs

Blog Downloads: With Donation (More Info Here)
With Direct Download: 24h available.

Exclusive List --- 4100 Bootlegs
Live Bootlegs Blog --- 6600 Bootlegs
Heavy Soundboard Blog --- 2200 Bootlegs

Monday, June 15, 2020


Starting today I will put different information in the bootlegs, for more transparency.

·        Exclusive concert & divided into separate tracks by Live Bootlegs Blog = recorded by me directly from live webcasts, radios broadcasts, cd`s, and other sources, and then i split tracks.

·        Concert divided into separate tracks by Live Bootlegs Blog = already on the web. Then i split tracks.

Stay safe and healthy.
Live Bootlegs


  1. Are you able to get any live sets by The Enemy (UK indie band)?

  2. Would love ReUps of:
    The Vaccines - Live @ Reading Festival, England, 28-08-2016
    The Vaccines - Live @ Pohoda Festival, Slovakia, 08-07-2016
    The Vaccines - Live @ Glastonbury Festival, England, 26-06-2015

  3. Great work your doing, I have noticed over the years your site has gotten better and better. I find myself here more and more.

  4. Don't worry take your time
    and a question do you think you are gonna post some quarantine shows?

    1. No quarantine shows. Many don´t have great quality, and i have a lot of boots from the past to put here.

  5. Any chance of some more City and Colour? Thanks for the great site.

    1. Your site is really great! You've been talking about "boots from the past to put here". Do you think you could post an audio file of Elvis Costello at the Rockpalast on German TV in 1983 or the 2 CD Set "Live Broadcasts 1983" which is including that show. Would definitely appreciate that! M.

  6. Thanks for your great work and blogs !

  7. What happened to the lists of artists/bands? it dissapeared for some reason, how would i search from any specific band to download?

  8. Thierry June 21 2020
    Thank you for your excellent work , i find on your blog many concerts that i saw ! Can you post again Arcade Fire at the isle of Wight , i was there and the concert was excellent ! I have also some personal recording live of many groups if you are interested

  9. The labels list, that displays re-uploads and everything from A-Z from each artist in that order, on the other version of the site with heavysoundboards everything loads and works perfectly there except for here.

  10. Fantastic work. Thank you for all you do.
