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Saturday, April 7, 2018

Spiritualized - Live @ Radio City Music Hall, New York, USA , 30-07-2010

NOTE: They perform the complete album “Ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space”, which was released in 1997. Its reputation has grown over the last decade, and Mr. Pierce was asked to perform it in its entirety by the festival promoter All Tomorrow’s Parties. The album is cherished as a magnum opus and grand oddity: solitary yearning expressed by a platoon of musicians, derangement mapped with architectural thoroughness, diffidence on a monumental scale. (from New York Times)
A must have!
Exclusive concert & divided into separate tracks by Live Bootlegs Blog.

Source: Soundboard
Sound Quality: 10/10

1.     Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space
2.     Come Together
3.     I Think I'm in Love
4.     All of My Thoughts
5.     Stay With Me
6.     Electricity
7.     Home of the Brave
8.     The Individual
9.     Broken Heart
10.  No God Only Religion
11.  Cool Waves
12.  Cop Shoot Cop...
13.  Out of Sight
14.  Oh Happy Day

Buy the Music:

Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!

320kbps mp3


  1. whats the password?

  2. Any chance of a repost? Thanks!

  3. Hi do you have this in lossless cd quality by any chance? Thanks for the great work!!!

  4. Hi. How would I go about downloading this? I've tried multiple applications and it won't let me do so. Thanks for your work!
