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Monday, October 9, 2017

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Live @ Madison Square Garden, New York, USA. 09-02-1996 (version 1)

NOTE: Some cuts in the first 3 songs, but amazing setlist. 
A must have!
Concert divided into separate tracks by Live Bootlegs Blog.

Source: Soundboard (except tracks from audience)
Sound Quality: 10/10 (except tracks 7,8,12,13,15,16,17,18 - quality: 8/10)

1.     Freaky Styley
2.     Night of the Thumpasorus Peoples (Parliament cover)
3.     Suck My Kiss ("What Is Soul?" jam)
4.     Give It Away (Behind the Sun jam)
5.     Aeroplane
6.     Warped
7.     Walkabout
8.     Backwoods ("Come As You Are" by Nirvana intro)
9.     My Friends
10.  Sound and Vision (David Bowie cover) / Higher Ground (Stevie Wonder cover)
11.  Pea
12.  Coffee Shop
13.  One Big Mob
14.  Under the Bridge
15.  Me & My Friends
16.  Deep Kick
17.  I Wanna Be Your Dog (The Stooges cover) (with Iggy Pop)
18.  Nevermind

Buy the Music:
Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!
320kbps mp3


  1. thank you so much. I was at this show. is was originally scheduled for december but got moved to february. don't remember why. once again, your time and efforts in spreading the music far and wide is highly appreciated!

    1. reschedule was due t chad smith breaking his arm

  2. Would a re-up be possible please? Thank you!
