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Friday, June 2, 2017

Radiohead - Live @ Glastonbury Festival, England, 28-06-1997

NOTE: Re-upload with better quality sound and more 3 songs (now the complete show).

OK Computer hit on May 21st, 1997. It was instantly hailed as a jaw-dropping classic. A devastating three-page New Yorker article by writer Alex Ross dismissed Oasis as "Dadrock" while praising Radiohead for "pull[ing] off one of the great art-pop balancing acts in the history of rock."
One month later Radiohead played a set which is now considered one of the greatest ever Glastonbury performances. They managed this despite it being also one of the wettest ever, and singer Thom Yorke having to muddle through with non-working monitors and blinding lights. So, just before swooping into Paranoid Android, he asked the technician to turn the lights up so they could have a look. When Radiohead appeared again in 2003 he referenced this moment before playing the same song.
A must have!

Source: Soundboard / FM Broadcast
Sound Quality: 10/10

1.     Lucky
2.     My Iron Lung
3.     Airbag
4.     Planet Telex
5.     Exit Music (For A Film)
6.     The Bends
7.     (Nice Dream)
8.     Paranoid Android
9.     Karma Police
10.  Creep
11.  Climbing Up the Walls
12.  No Surprises
13.  Talk Show Host
14.  Bones
15.  Just
16.  Fake Plastic Trees
17.  You
18.  The Tourist
19.  High and Dry
20.  Street Spirit (Fade Out)

Buy the Music:
Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!
320kbps mp3