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Sunday, September 18, 2016

La Femme - Live @ Rock en Seine Festival, France, 27-08-2016

NOTE: La Femme is a French krautrock and psych-punk rock band established by keyboard player Marlon Magnée and guitarist Sacha Got in Biarritz. Many members joined in later including bass player Sam Lefevre, drummer Noé Delmas and Lucas Nunez from Paris. The group was named La Femme in 2010. The band got to know the lead singer Clémence Quélennec on the internet. Other members include Clara Luciani, Jane Peynot and Marilou Chollet. The band's music is described as synthetic and hypnotic influenced by Velvet Underground, Kraftwerk and mix of coldwave, punk and yéyé. (from Wikipedia)
Exclusive concert & divided into separate tracks by Live Bootlegs Blog.

Source: Soundboard / Webcast
Sound Quality: 10/10

1.     Sphynx
2.     Packshot
3.     Où Va Le Monde
4.     Mycose
5.     Tatiana
6.     Si Un Jour
7.     Paris 2012
8.     Elle Ne T'Aime Pas
9.     Nous Etions Deux
10.  It's Time to Wake Up (2023)
11.  September
12.  S.S.D
13.  Sur La Planche
14.  Antitaxi?

Buy the Music:

Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!

320kbps mp3