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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Radiohead - Live @ Nos Alive Festival, Portugal, 09-07-2016

NOTE: The sound quality is not the best (mono - in 2016....), but is the second soundboard concert in recent years, and the gig is very good.
Exclusive concert & divided into separate tracks by Live Bootlegs Blog.

Source: Soundboard / Webcast
Sound Quality: 8/10

1.     Burn the Witch
2.     Daydreaming (cut)
3.     Decks Dark
4.     Desert Island Disk
5.     Ful Stop
6.     My Iron Lung
7.     Talk Show Host
8.     Lotus Flower
9.     The Gloaming
10.  Exit Music (for a Film)
11.  The Numbers
12.  Identikit
13.  Reckoner
14.  Everything in Its Right Place
15.  Idioteque
16.  Bodysnatchers
17.  Street Spirit (Fade Out)
18.  Bloom
19.  Paranoid Android
20.  Nude
21.  2 + 2 = 5
22.  There There
23.  Creep
24.  Karma Police

Buy the Music:
Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!
320kbps mp3


  1. Any chance of us getting Arcade Fire from Nos as well?

  2. The speed and pitch of the entire show is off by a good step or so... Burn the Witch is in the key of F, whereas if you look at a YouTube video of the broadcast, it's in the key of F#.

  3. There is better sounding audio on youtube
