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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Dawes - Live @ Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, USA, 12-06-2015

NOTE: The band played songs from all four of their records, further highlighting how much they’ve grown and matured as a group. 
But as usual, the highlight came during crowd favorite “When My Time Comes,” where Goldsmith stepped back from the mic and let the packed What Stage crowd sing the chorus for him, a staple of the band’s set since their early days. 
And every year the audience gets bigger and the chants get louder, with no glass ceiling in sight.
Exclusive concert & divided into separate tracks by Live Bootlegs Blog.

Source: FM Broadcast
Sound Quality: 10/10

1.     Things Happen
2.     Don't Send Me Away
3.     Time Spent in Los Angeles
4.     Somewhere Along the Way
5.     If I Wanted Someone
6.     Most People
7.     Right on Time
8.     When My Time Comes
9.     I Can't Think About it Now
10.  All Your Favorite Bands

Buy the Music:

Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!
320kbps mp3