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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Alabama Shakes - Live @ Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, USA, 12-06-2015

NOTE: The last time Alabama Shakes performed at Bonnaroo, in 2012, they were saddled with a late Thursday night set on one of the smaller stages. 
Three years later, Brittany Howard and her finely tuned roots rockers were performing to a Friday night crowd of at least 50,000 at the fest's main What Stage. "I never thought we'd be here, on this stage," Howard told the crowd before stumbling for words. 
"It's really hard to come up with something to say." She didn't have to say anything: 
The Alabama Shakes' sundown gig was yet another showcase of Howard's unparalleled vocal acrobatics as the tight group shimmered through slow burners like Sound & Color's "I'm Yours" and high-energy rockers like "Hang Loose."
Exclusive concert & divided into separate tracks by Live Bootlegs Blog.

Source: FM Broadcast
Sound Quality: 10/10

1.     Future People
2.     Rise to the Sun
3.     Always Alright
4.     Shoegaze
5.     Hang Loose (with some cuts)
6.     (banter)
7.     Miss You
8.     Guess Who
9.     Heartbreaker
10.  Be Mine
11.  Gimme All Your Love
12.  The Greatest
13.  Dunes
14.  Gemini
15.  Don't Wanna Fight
16.  Sound & Color
17.  Over My Head

Buy the Music:
Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!
320kbps mp3