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Thursday, November 20, 2014

L7 - Live @ Reading Festival, England, 30-08-1992

NOTE: L7 formally achieved Rock Infamy in 1992, at the UK’s Reading Festival. When the band experienced sound problems during their set, the crowd got punchy and began pelting the stage with mud. L7’s lead singer, the inimitable Donita Sparks, responded by removing the tampon currently going about the tampony business of absorbing menstrual blood in her vagina, and throwing it ato the crowd, directing the rabble to “Eat my used tampon, f***ers!”
A historic concert!

Source: Audience
Sound Quality: 5/10

1.     Deathwish
2.     (Right On) Thru
3.     Scrap
4.     Slide
5.     Diet Pill No.1
6.     Enter Sandman (Metallica cover)
7.     Diet Pill No.2
8.     Monster
9.     Broomstick
10.  Wargasm
11.  Pretend We're Dead
12.  Shitlist
13.  Shove
14.  Fast And Frightening

Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!

320kbps mp3


  1. Can you re-upload this show again? Thanks! :)

  2. I was about three people away from the poor soul that caught the flung item, there was a massive scrum to catch it, then *squeals* of disgust! L7 had a rough day with bad sound and mud flinging in WW1 trench conditions, but they did better than Mudhoney, who were pelted with half the field! Kurt sat by the stage speakers, laughing his ass off at them. But no one dared throw anything at him...
