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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pixies - Live @ Alcatraz, Milan, Italy, 04-11-2013

Concert divided into separate tracks by Live Bootlegs Blog.

Source: FM Broadcast
Sound Quality: 8/10

1.     Caribou
2.     Monkey Gone to Heaven
3.     Velouria
4.     Havalina
5.     Vamos
6.     Here Comes Your Man
7.     Bagboy
8.     River Euphrates
9.     Crackity Jones
10.  Something Against You
11.  Distance Equals Rate Times Time
12.  Wave of Mutilation
13.  Winterlong (Neil Young cover)
14.  Cactus
15.  Nimrod's Son
16.  Indie Cindy
17.  Ed Is Dead
18.  Brick Is Red
19.  Break My Body
20.  Bone Machine
21.  What Goes Boom
22.  I've Been Tired
23.  Blue Eyed Hexe
24.  Broken Face
25.  Isla de Encanta
26.  Tame
27.  Hey
28.  Big New Prinz (The Fall cover)
29.  Head On (The Jesus and Mary Chain cover)
30.  Gouge Away
31.  Debaser
32.  Motorway to Roswell
33.  In Heaven (Lady in the Radiator Song)
34.  Andro Queen
35.  Where Is My Mind?

Buy the Music:

Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!

320kbps mp3


  1. Not the Rock Werchter 2014, but it's a great concert : )
    It is possible that this is better.
    Thank you very much for sharing it equally.
    Good job.

  2. Concerts were not invented to talk between songs : ) Uff.
