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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Pixies - Live @ Town and Country Club, London, England, 01-08-1988

NOTE: One of the first concerts of the Pixies in Europe, in a double act with Throwing Muses, presented at the time as "the finest double act since the Romans decided to put the Christians and the lions on the same bill". During "Vamos", Joey Santiago takes a beer can to play the guitar. During "In Heaven", Black Francis waves his guitar in the air, and makes his mic fall down. These two songs appear as B-sides on Gigantic single.
A historic concert.
Concert divided into separate tracks by Live Bootlegs Blog.

Source: Soundboard
Sound Quality: 10/10

1.     The Holiday Song
2.     Nimrod's Son
3.     Bone Machine
4.     Levitate Me
5.     Ed Is Dead
6.     Where Is My Mind?
7.     Caribou
8.     Something Against You
9.     Hey
10.  Gigantic
11.  I've Been Tired
12.  Vamos
13.  In Heaven (Lady in the Radiator Song)
14.  Tony's Theme
15.  Wild Honey Pie (The Beatles cover)

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Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!

320kbps mp3