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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Pixies - Live @ Maida Vale Studios, London, England, 26-09-2013

Exclusive concert & divided into separate tracks by Live Bootlegs Blog.

Source: FM Broadcast
Sound Quality: 8/10

1.     Bone Machine
2.     Break My Body
3.     Monkey Gone to Heaven
4.     Bagboy
5.     I've Been Tired
6.     Hey
7.     Indie Cindy
8.     Gouge Away
9.     Havalina
10.  Velouria
11.  Mr. Grieves
12.  Another Toe in the Ocean
13.  What Goes Boom
14.  Isla de Encanta
15.  Winterlong (Neil Young cover)
16.  Here Comes Your Man
17.  Vamos
18.  Where Is My Mind?

Buy the Music:

Please support this artist. Buy their records and merchandise.
If band members are still playing shows, go see them live!

320kbps mp3


  1. I'm getting a "password needed" prompt when trying to decompress this one

  2. Your blog is AWESOME. It looks like a lot of work and research! When you have an extra moment, please, could you Re-Upload: "Pixies 2013-09-26th Maida Vale Studios, England" Thanks again.

  3. Enjoyable music rejuvenates a person. I appreciate the hours you invest to maintain this blog. And, when you have a moment available, would you please Re-Upload: "Pixies 2013-09-26th {BBC Radio} Maida Vale Studios, England" ? Thanks again. :~)
