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Cheers, Live Bootlegs.


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Heavy Soundboard Blog --- 2200 Bootlegs

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Exclusive List --- 4100 Bootlegs
Live Bootlegs Blog --- 6600 Bootlegs
Heavy Soundboard Blog --- 2200 Bootlegs

Monday, July 8, 2013


Some blog visitors have questioned if some bootlegs have Soundboard quality.
Obviously many concerts here are from audio/rip broadcasts or live streams.
These same transmissions remove the sound from a mixing console.
If the quality in technical terms is equal or not if it was recorded directly from the mixing desk? Probably not.
In our opinion what matters is the quality, and all audio/rip bootlegs on the internet have the indication "Soundboard".
We think that is a technical issue without extreme importance..
And the name is "bootlegs" and not official editions (these are taken directly from the mixing console with later mix in the studio).

The other question is from "Exclusive Concerts".
They are exclusive because we have a lot of work to put online that concerts. We spent many hours to put these into mp3 files.

Thanks for understanding.

Live Bootlegs


  1. Thank you for the big work and share ! Some people write a lot about their posts, giving all the indications (pre-fm fm radio broadcast tv broadcast studio qoundboard etc). It is easy to understand that "soundboard" means great quality. Audio is sometimes great, but it is very rare. mp3 encoding is excellent on your site (I think that flac sound could be better, but not practical).

  2. Your blog rules, and the gigs posted by you are usually in very good quality of sound. Do not bother about techicalities. Keep up the AMAZING jog!

  3. People hung up on technical words! I had one of your Deerhunter gigs off another blog. Do I care it said exclusive? NO!!! Because most of the other stuff is exclusive. Anyway great blog, keep calling good quality concerts soundboard,. If people want to nitpick, they can go to another blog.

  4. Best blog ever. Haters gonna hate. :)

  5. Just keep posting, the tunz sound great. :)

  6. The internet has turned most people into whining a-holes. Great, great blog. Thanks for all the brilliant music.

  7. Your work is outstanding, keep up! Totally agree with the comment above, internet has turned people really really stupid..

  8. I´m very greatful to the work you are doing in this blog so for me, soundboard or not, thank you very much for letting me enjoy this music.
